Ainsley went to the dentist this morning and it was very uneventful except for THIS....
THOSE ARE HER GROWN-UP TEETH PEOPLE. That's right. Those two squares under her sweet tiny baby teeth are her permanent teeth coming in. I think i'm going to be sick. I'm sure it will take them a few years to make their presence known, but something about seeing them there makes me a little bit sad that my baby is growing up. It's like the first domino is about to tip which will start a chain reaction of hormones, makeup, driver's license, boyfriends...ughh. I'm starting to think maybe i should have titled this post "Over reaction much?"
In other news, my laundry baskets are finally getting used...
Hope everyone is doing well! I've got to go record lost and survivor! Love ya'll, Aud
Jessica's bottom two baby teeth came out when she was four! And the laundry baskets picture brings back a lot of memories. :)