Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Conversations with Ainsley

Aaron and Ainsley are on their way home from church. Ainsley decides she has to tinkle and can not make it home. Aaron pulls into a gas station where they both go to the bathroom. The following conversation ensues...

Ainsley: "What's that thing?"

Aaron: "What thing?" (Really hoping to avoid this conversation)

Ainsley: "That thing your fingers are touching."

Aaron: "I'll tell you when we get in the car." (Maybe she'll forget about it by then)

They finish their business get back in the car and start driving...

Ainsley: "Tell me."

Aaron: "Tell you what?"

Ainsley: "Tell me about that thing."

Aaron laughs uncontrollably

Aaron: "That is called a penis and it's what God gave boys to get their tinkle out."

Ainsley: "Is that where your poop comes out too?"

Aaron: "Oh heavens no. Everybody has a bottom which is what poop comes out of. Boys have a penis that they tinkle out of and girls have a vagina that they tinkle out of." (That's making those professors proud.)

A few moments of silence...

Ainsley: "I think I'm tired."

Aaron: "Me too."

This conversation happened today in the van. Ainsley and Abbey know about Jesus dying on the cross and have a big concern with the soldiers who put him up there. Also, a police officer visited Ainsley's preschool today and gave a safety talk. I think this conversation was the product of those two things...

Ainsley: "Do soldiers put some kids parents in jail?"

Aaron: "Yes, sometimes. But only the parents who don't follow the rules."

Ainsley: "Do some kids have to stay with their granna and grampas or grammi and papas when their parents go to jail?"

Audrey: "Yes, but your mommy and daddy aren't going to go to jail. We don't break the laws. There are some--"

Aisnely: "Mommy you do break the rules sometimes."

Audrey: "Well, yes mommy is not perfect, but people go to jail for killing--"

Ainsley: "Now daddy's are perfect..................................... but you are a really good driver."

Audrey: "Well, thank you--"

Ainsley: "And if you see a stranger you aren't supposed to talk to them or take their candy."

Aaron and Audrey: "Yes, that's exactly right"

Aisnley: "But in Sleeping Beauty, Aurora talks to the prince and he's a stranger."

Audrey: "Well, sleeping beauty is not a real story. It's pretend."

Ainsley: "Are we real?"

Aaron and Audrey: "Yes"

Abbey: "Is this van real?"

Aaron: "This is all too real."

At this point they decided to sing to the song that was playing.

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