A loooong time ago I was watching this show on discovery (or one of those channels) about this woman and her dogs. She had these huge St. Bernard's (which I love) (almost as much as I love parentheses) and they were doing an interview in her house. While they were talking to her they were showing some footage of the dogs laying around with her in the house. I noticed that she had dark green carpet. I also notice that massive dog hair tumbleweeds keep rolling across the green carpet. I am disgusted. This is what I say to myself. "When I have big dogs in my house I will NEVER have dog hair tumbleweeds. I mean does that woman not own a vacuum?!?"
I noticed this on the bathroom floor today. Now this is not the first time I have seen dog hair in my house. I do try to keep it under control but people it is like a stinking full time job. And every time I see it I think of that poor woman who I judged. So when I saw this today and thought of dog hair tumbleweed lady again, I thought, Hmmm, maybe God has been trying to tell me something about being critical and judgmental. So, in a effort to humble myself and make it right with dog hair tumbleweed lady, I am posting a picture of my very own dog hair tumbleweeds for the world to see.
Should "drive a mini-van" be on that list?