Thursday, February 10, 2011


My computer, that is. She's been through alot. Dropped numerous times, stood on, pieces have fallen off and out. She finally told me yesterday that her hard drive was failing. Sooooo....because i'm a tight wad, I will not be getting a new one. I will just be using Aaron's mac. Which means learning new things. Which means I am not excited. I am excited about not spending $700 on a new computer. I pretty much feel like, if I am going to spend $700 dollars on something, I am paying for the ability to tell said thing when I am done with it, and not the opposite.

I have not figured out how to upload my pictures onto his computer yet. Which means you don't get to see the glitter explosion that happened at our house today. Don't worry though, I WILL figure it out.

We are still out of school. I am still enjoying it :) I think everything should be back to normal on Monday.

Have a good evening!

Audrey :)

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