This morning while Aaron was making breakfast Ainsley asked me if she could write with a marker. I gave it to her along with the pad that I used to use for my grocery list. I say "used to" because it kept mysteriously disappearing from it's spot on the fridge with all the items listed on it that i needed to get at Wal-mart (which the girls call Mal-Mart). Now I stick a piece of masking tape onto the counter and make my list on there. Aaron laughs at me but hey, it works.
So Ainsley gets this pad and starts to dictate a grocery list to Aaron. Here it is:
ice cream
Now the girl is really not to far off the mark i'm afraid. However, the last item stumped me. I was thinking She wants to eat fish?! How exciting! I mean it's not really my thing but it's sooo healthy! Unfortunately, she went on to explain that what she meant was a pet fish. In keeping with the list theme, I think I'll have her start one titled
Things to do when I no longer live with my parents
1. Get a pet fish
I don't know why this idea is so repulsive to me. I mean we have a 120 pound lab who lives in our house. I am no stranger to the "pleasures" of pet ownership.
You know, now that I think about it, she already has one list going...
Events happening way in the future that i will not participate in:
1. High school
2. Get Baptized
That's right. She told me that she does not want to go to high school. And being the fabulous parent that I am I told her that she didn't have to. I'm really counting on the fact that she is going to forget about that by the time high school rolls around.
And as far as getting baptized...that one is her choice. It's not looking good though. I mean I will consider it progress if we can just witness a baptism from the audience without having a panic attack. I know the Lord will work it out ;).
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