Thursday, January 27, 2011

To remain in the spirit of doing regular postings...

I will post today even though I really have nothing significant or witty to report. You're welcome :)

You know it's norovirus season when you hear this from your kids room, "Rapunzel has the stomach virus...(gagging sound effects follow for about a minute).

Ainsley has a "friend" at school. I'm pretty sure he has a crush on her. I'm also pretty sure he could be a bully. So, that's great. Ains told us "J" makes her watch him play soccer at recess or he gets "mad in her face." That did not go over real well with Aaron. Well, that may be an understatement. Aaron had a little "talk" with "J" in which he defended his baby and told him to back off. The conversation ended with "J" getting mad in another kids face. I guess we can call that progress. Anyway, I asked Ains today how things were going with J and she said, "OK, I guess. Today I decided, I have had enough of him for, like, three days, or something." Alrighty then.

Also, I am thinking of painting my bathroom this color...

For real. It is the color of the year people. Did you know there was such a thing? Since 2004, Pantone has conducted a meeting of the minds which results in a "color of the year". Last year it was turquoise. This year it is Honeysuckle. And apparently it will be the color in fashion and interior design. I love it and my mother will be the first person to tell you that my house needs some color :) Here is the bathroom in question. BORING.

Here are a few pictures where people have used this color...I just love it.

FYI: the t.v. is on espn because i haven't had the energy to change it since aaron left. They just did a video montage of a player for the Greenbay Packers leaning his head back ,squirting water into his super long hair, and then flipping it around like a chic. Eewwwww.

Well, how about that. I started with nothing and ended up covering kids, interior design, and football.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day! :)

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